...but we may give you some direction.
Amidst the crossroads of psychotherapeutic currents, Gestalt therapy is the somewhat stranger duck in the pie. According to some psychology professors, Gestalt is for the daring, the courageous. A reputation that fits us like a glove.
Every movement has its own hobby horse and Gestalt therapists will say that contact and here-and-now is their hobby horse. But, so do many other movements (nowadays). We want to add that Gestalt therapy has a special eye for the carrying capacity of the other and the development of this.
Through physical awareness we develop an inner knowing that enables us to formulate, in our own way, a new answer to a problem, dilemma or question that is currently troubling us in our lives.
In our training, the search for your unique style of giving therapy and being able to support another person in the dark nights of their soul is central. To search together with the other person, as human being to human being, and to come to an answer to the situation in which the other person finds himself.